- lilmissyChelseaHIHIH JOHN THATS A ZINGER ...
- JerricaforUJust saying ...
- lilmissyEddahello to all my fans ...
- PierinaKinkyslutOla sexy...
- Millie1987Hey guys I can show you what a real bbw can do! ...
Curvy and have a partner. We're into exploring our sexual desires. Both of us have some experience doing this and have had a great time. We are looking for long term friendships. It would be great to do this for years to come… Neither of us have social hangups but we live social lives so our privacy must be respected. The roll i enjoy playing is basically queen and having the two of you pleasing me. In turn the real vixen in me will be released and we all shall be happy. My partner loves giving me this and I love it when we all fall into a heap. Believe me, he get's his-at least twice a day. I don't like people that can't grant simple wishes or recieve them.only safe sex-no anal-every thing else is open for fun.